
Publication sources

You can access Smart4Health publications on Zenodo. Smart4Health source code is available on GitHub. Smart4Health deliverables are accessible on Cordis.

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Physiosense User Guide

We have published the PhysioSense user guide for open access. It assists citizens in the use of PhysioSense app in the context of the Smart4Health project.Download for free on ZENODO: (external link)

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Therapists Handbook (open access)

We have published a Therapists Handbook for open access. It assists therapists in the entire treatment/prevention process on the MedX Lumbar Extension machine in the context of the Smart4Health project. Here therapists find...

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Innovative product/service for personalized health management

Inhalte nur auf Englisch verfügbar.Smart4Health project is a European project aiming to empower citizens with electronic health(care) record exchange, personal connected health services, and the ability of data donorship to the scientific community. The Smart4Health...

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Sensor network integration for a medical device using CDG

The weakness of the deep layer of lumbar or cervical spine muscles (so-called multifidus muscles) is among the most common causes for backpain. Frequent testing and measurements over a 20 years period of time showed a common weakness of this particular muscle group in...

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