Smart4Health Close Event
On 13th December 2023, the Smart4Health close event took place at the Castanheiro hotel in Madeira. The session with the Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing community, counted on the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection, Dr. Pedro Ramos, presenting the strategy of...
Smart4Health Close Event – Walk
On 13th December 2023, the Smart4Health closing event took place in Funchal, Madeira. The community of the Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing initiative took a walk through the historic center of Funchal as part of the closing event of Smart4Health and the synergy...
Smart4Health Close Event – Stand
On 13th December 2023, the closing event of Smart4Health took place, at the Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing stand, in Madeira. The community of the Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing initiative gathered at the initiative's stand for a day of interaction as part...
Smart4Health continues engage with Madeira citizens
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês As part of the synergy with the SmartBear project and the Madeira Digital Health and Welbeeing initiative, on September 4th the participants get together in the mountains of Madeira. Citizens took a walk through nature in order to...
Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The citizens of Madeira continue to have support and information about Smart4Health and other initiatives through the Madeira Digital Health and Welbeeing initiative stand located at Praça do Povo in Funchal, Madeira. Madeira...
Fontes de publicação
Pode aceder às publicações do Smart4Health em Zenodo. O código-fonte do Smart4Health está disponível em GitHub. Os entregáveis do Smart4Health estão disponíveis em Cordis.
Smart4Health Final Event
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês On 23rd February 2023, the Smart4Health final event took place at the Colégio dos Jesuítas in Madeira. The session, which was open to the public, counted on the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection, Dr. Pedro Ramos, presenting...

Smart4Health Final Event – 23rd February 2023
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês Agenda 14h00 Opening and Welcome14h10 Current positioning and future perspectives of Madeira Regional Health14h30 Smart4Health project and main results overview14h45 Co-creation in Smart4Health15h15 Smart4Health Platform15h45...
Health Day, 17 February 2023, Castres
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 13th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Castres on the 17th of February 2023. The Health Day was held in collaboration with ISIS engineer school, a partner of I-VLAB. The purpose of this Health Day is the opportunity to...
Madeira’s public health service is now integrated with Smart4Health
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The Public Health Service of the Autonomous Region of Madeira – SESARAM, EPERAM – has successfully completed the integration with the prototype of a pan-European digital patient record, the Smart4Health platform, at the end of...
Health Day, 17th-18th November 2022, Porto
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 12th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Porto between 17 and 18 November 2022. The Health Day was held in collaboration with the “Health Data Forum Global Hybrid Summit 2022”. During these days, the importance of the quality...
Health Day, 8th November 2022, Bordeaux
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 11th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Bordeaux on the 8th of November 2022. The Health Day was held in collaboration with TIC Santé in Bordeaux. The purpose of this Health Day was to present Smart4Health to the e-health...
Health Day, 25th-27th October 2022, Madeira
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 10th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Funchal Madeira between 25 and 27 October 2022. The Health Day was integrated into the “Digital Transformation Summit”, an event that counted on the strong support of the regional...
Guia do usuário do Physiosense
Publicamos o guia do usuário PhysioSense para acesso aberto. Auxilia os cidadãos no uso do aplicativo PhysioSense no contexto do projeto Smart4Health.Baixe gratuitamente no ZENODO: (link externo)
Health Day, 23rd September 2022, Aachen
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 9th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Aachen Pascalstraße (business run), close to CUC4, on the 23rd of September 2022. The purpose of this Health Day was to describe the Smart4Health project to the visitors of the business...
Health Day, 12th-16th September 2022, Lisbon
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 8th Smart4Health Health Day took place in the Lisbon region, close to CUC5, between 12 and 16 September 2022. The Health Day was held in parallel with the welcome activities for new students in collaboration with the NOVA...
Health Day, 4th August 2022, Aachen
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 7th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Aachen Elisengalerie, close to CUC3, on the 4th of August 2022. The Health Day was held in collaboration with the MedX therapists of the MedAix back center in the Elisengalerie. During...
Health Day, 28th-30th June 2022, Guimarães
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 5th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Guimarães, close to CUC5, between 28 and 30 June 2022. The Health Day was held in parallel with the “ICIE’2022 – International Conference Innovation in Engineering” in collaboration...
Health Day, 28th June 2022, Brussels
Health Day Agenda (English)Download Este texto foi automaticamente traduzido por eTranslation, um serviço prestado pela Comissão Europeia. A saúde digital pode ser definida como «ferramentas e serviços que usam tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) para...
Health Day, 2nd-6th May 2022, Madeira
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 4th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Madeira, close to CUC8, between 2 and 6 May 2022. The Health Day was held in collaboration with the “Fundação Portuguesa de Cardiologia” at the “Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing”...
Health Day, 28th-29th April 2022, Lisbon
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês The 3rd Smart4Health Health Day took place in the Lisbon region, close to CUC5, between 28 and 29 April 2022. The Health Day was held in parallel with the “Transferable Research and Laboratory Outcomes Event” in collaboration with...
Health Day, 13th-14th October 2021, Brussels
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês. The 2nd Smart4Health Health Day took place in Brussels between 13 and 14 October 2021. The Health Day was held in cooperation with the EASPD annual conference and under the umbrella of the conference topic “The future is now:...
Manual de terapeutas (open access)
Publicamos um Manual de terapeutas para acesso aberto. Auxilia os terapeutas em todo o processo de tratamento/prevenção na máquina MedX Lumbar Extension no contexto do projeto Smart4Health. Aqui os terapeutas encontram pormenores sobre como usar a máquina MedX com o...
Madeira: eurodeputada do PSD destaca bom uso de fundos europeus na área da saúde
A social democrata sublinhou ainda os investimentos que têm sido feitos nas novas tecnologias como instrumento auxiliar para os utentes e profissionais de saúde. Pode encontrar o artigo completo aqui.
Health Day, 26th-28th May 2021, Madeira
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês. The 1st Smart4Health Health Day took place in Madeira, close to CUC8, between 26 and 28 May 2021. The Health Day was held as part of the launch of the “Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing” initiative and counted on the strong...
Smart4Health: o projeto que vai colocar o cidadão a gerir os seus dados de saúde
Transformar o cidadão no gestor dos seus dados de saúde, dando-lhe o poder de os disponibilizar, quer para acesso a cuidados, quer para investigação. É para este paradigma que caminha o projeto Smart4Heath, projeto europeu de referência na área da saúde digital, com...
Projeto Smart4Health arranca com os primeiros case studies para a prevenção da dor lombar
O projeto H2020 Smart4Health coordenado pelo Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias UNINOVA, dá início ao registo e recolha de dados para a prevenção da dor lombar através da IoT (Internet of Things). Leia o artigo completo aqui.
Smart4Health’s 5th General Assembly Meeting
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.The Smart4Health Consortium had its 5th General Assembly meeting January 20th+21st. More than 50 partners met online over two days and had the opportunity to get updates on the developments on technologies by each partner as well...
Economic impact of clinical decision support interventions based on electronic health records
Este artigo está disponível apenas em inglês: Current research studies lack consideration of comparative cost-outcome metrics as well as detailed cost components in their analyses. Nonetheless, the positive economic impact of EHR based CDS interventions is highly...
Congresso online Digital Health: NOW!
Este artigo está disponível apenas em alemão: Am 23. November 2020 diskutierten beim kostenfreien Online-Kongress „Digital Health: NOW!“ internationale Expertinnen und Experten darüber, wie die Digitalmedizin eine vernetzte, wertebasierte Versorgung in der EU...
Smart4Health lança o primeiro MOOC
Como parte da Campanha de Educação Smart4Halth, o parceiro do consórcio Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) criou um canal YouTube como base comum para todos os Cursos Online Abertos Massivos (MOOCs) e criou o primeiro MOOC sobre Saúde Digital para Principiantes. O curso...
Data donation in healthcare: mastering risks, seizing opportunities
Berlin Lab – Datenspende im Gesundheitswesen: Chancen, Herausforderungen, Zukunftspotentiale
Conteúdo disponível apenas em alemão.Die Datenspende birgt das Potenzial für eine innovative Weiterentwicklung unseres Gesundheitssystems. Ziel ist eine noch bessere Patientenversorgung in Deutschland. Das hat auch die Politik erkannt und erste Schritte in Richtung...
Smart4Health is represented in the Portuguese news
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.We are excited to share that Smart4Health has been represented in the Portuguese news. Watch the video by clicking on the link below.
Artigo do Data4Life Blog: Resolução da interoperabilidade dos dados nos cuidados de saúde europeus
Leia o post inteiro do blogue em inglês aqui.
Health Europe: Digitalizzazione dell’ecosistema sanitario nell’Unione europea
Paul De Raeve e o coordenador da Smart4Health Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves sublinham a necessidade crescente de digitalizar o ecossistema de saúde com registos electrónicos de saúde a nível da UE. Leia o artigo completo em inglês aqui.
EFN: Celebrar os enfermeiros e discutir a importância dos cuidados de saúde digitais
A European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) reuniu-se no Parlamento Europeu para discutir o trabalho árduo realizado pelos enfermeiros e o impacto da tecnologia digital na indústria dos cuidados de saúde. Leia o artigo completo do blogue em inglês aqui.
Smart4Health invited to intervene in the European Parliament
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.Within the conference session 'European Electronic Health Records – Digitalisation in the healthcare sector' part of the 11th European Innovation Summit The Smart4Health Coordination was invited to speak at the European Parliament,...
Projeto português disponibiliza todos os registos médicos numa única plataforma europeia
O objetivo da plataforma Smart4Health é agregar num único sítio todos os dados de saúde e registos médicos. Projeto é um dos que vai representar Portugal na 11.ª Comissão Europeia da Inovação que decorre quarta-feira. Leia o artigo completo aqui
Smart4Health 3rd General Meeting
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.On January 22nd – 23rd, 2020, the Smart4Health Consortium met for their 3rd General Assembly Meeting at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany. Besides the presentation of new consortium member EASPD the main objective of...
Using CEF Digital Service Infrastructures in the Smart4Health Project for the Exchange of Electronic Health Records
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.The Smart4Health (S4H) software application will empower EU citizens to manage, analyze, and exchange their aggregated electronic health data. In order to provide such a service, basic features are needed to ensure usability,...
Innovative product/service for personalized health management
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.Smart4Health project is a European project aiming to empower citizens with electronic health(care) record exchange, personal connected health services, and the ability of data donorship to the scientific community. The Smart4Health...
O Podcast da HPI sobre Smart4Health – Uma conversa com o Prof. Dr. Böttinger
O episódio do podcast só está disponível em alemão
The EU Consortium Smart4Health: On the Path Developing a Mobile Health Record Application
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.Every citizen of the European Union (EU) should be able to access her or his own health data easily and securely within each EU member state. The Horizon 2020 research consortium “Smart4Health” aims to realize this vision by...
Sensor network integration for a medical device using CDG
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.The weakness of the deep layer of lumbar or cervical spine muscles (so-called multifidus muscles) is among the most common causes for backpain. Frequent testing and measurements over a 20 years period of time showed a common...
Visit of The Netherlands and Portuguese Prime Ministers to Smart4Health Laboratory at UNINOVA
Conteúdo disponível apenas em inglês.On the 3rd of April 2019 the Prime Minister of The Netherlands (Mark Rutte) and the Prime Minister of Portugal (António Costa) visited the UNINOVA’s Hub for Digital Health and Social Inclusion with Smart4Health in the main topic of...
Comunicado de imprensa da EFN: Acessibilidade e EHR
Pode ler o comunicado de imprensa completo aqui em inglês: Accessibility and EHR
APDSI divulga o maior projeto de investigação coordenado por Portugal: o Smart4health
O Smart4health é coordenado por Portugal no âmbito do Programa Europeu de Investigação e Inovação Horizonte 2020, e tem como principal objetivo fomentar soluções personalizadas de saúde através da troca universal de Registos de Saúde Eletrónicos. Pode ler o artigo...