
Health Day, 2nd-6th May 2022, Madeira

Contenuto disponibile solo in inglese. The 4th Smart4Health Health Day took place in Madeira, close to CUC8, between 2 and 6 May 2022. The Health Day was held in collaboration with the “Fundação Portuguesa de Cardiologia” at the “Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing”...

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Health Day, 28th-29th April 2022, Lisbon

Contenuto disponibile solo in inglese. The 3rd Smart4Health Health Day took place in the Lisbon region, close to CUC5, between 28 and 29 April 2022. The Health Day was held in parallel with the “Transferable Research and Laboratory Outcomes Event” in collaboration...

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Health Day, 13th-14th October 2021, Brussels

Contenuto disponibile solo in inglese. Contenuto disponibile solo in inglese. The 2nd Smart4Health Health Day took place in Brussels between 13 and 14 October 2021. The Health Day was held in cooperation with the EASPD annual conference and under the umbrella of the...

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Health Day, 26th-28th May 2021, Madeira

Contenuto disponibile solo in inglese. The 1st Smart4Health Health Day took place in Madeira, close to CUC8, between 26 and 28 May 2021. The Health Day was held as part of the launch of the “Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing” initiative and counted on the strong...

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Smart4Health’s 5th General Assembly Meeting

Contenuto disponibile solo in inglese.The Smart4Health Consortium had its 5th General Assembly meeting January 20th+21st. More than 50 partners met online over two days and had the opportunity to get updates on the developments on technologies by each partner as well...

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Congresso online Digital Health: NOW!

Questo articolo è disponibile solo in tedesco: Am 23. November 2020 diskutierten beim kostenfreien Online-Kongress „Digital Health: NOW!“ internationale Expertinnen und Experten darüber, wie die Digitalmedizin eine vernetzte, wertebasierte Versorgung in der EU...

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Smart4Health invited to intervene in the European Parliament

Contenuto disponibile solo in inglese.Within the conference session 'European Electronic Health Records – Digitalisation in the healthcare sector' part of the 11th European Innovation Summit The Smart4Health Coordination was invited to speak at the European...

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Smart4Health 3rd General Meeting

Contenuto disponibile solo in inglese.On January 22nd – 23rd, 2020, the Smart4Health Consortium met for their 3rd General Assembly Meeting at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany. Besides the presentation of new consortium member EASPD the main objective...

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