Ospedale San Raffaele

Ospedale San Raffaele

The San Raffaele Hospital is a research hospital and university polyclinic founded in 1971 to provide specialized care for the most complex health conditions, already recognized in 1972 as a Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institute (IRCCS) for diabetology. Thanks to the deep integration between basic, translational and clinical research, and the numerous collaborations with leading international research centers, the San Raffaele Hospital is a leader in many research fields and offers the best care to its patients.

In the Smart4Health project Dr. Falcone’s team is responsible for coordinating the donation of personalized data to the CHDP from San Raffaele to the S4H Citizen Health Data Platform and the donation of anonymized data to the S4H Research Platform. Dr. Falcone’s team has a lot of expertise in the management of research data bringing to the consortium the know-how which is needed to implement data donation for research purposes. Accordingly OSR is lead beneficiary of the deliverable 5.3 regarding the “Implementation of data donation for research and innovation in line with the legal provisions”.